Saturday, December 13, 2008


So we got our first snow fall of the year!!! Its awesome! Sooooooooooooooo pretty. I pretty much hated it when I lived in Seattle, because it was gross and brown and wet..and went away in a matter of hours. But here it is soo pretty and it gets really deep. But it frezzes before you know look out the window and there are 20 inch icicles hanging from the roof tops haha..and it just continues to snow!! YAY

Friday, December 5, 2008

my soon to be husband

I was reading a fellow bloggers blog about her husband and it made me want to write about my soon to be husband. Although I am sure I have told this story numerous times, I feel like telling it once more.

My life, Before Kenny, was hectic. I was confused.lost..and hurt. By the time Kenny came along, it was years after my depression had begun and I was quickly losing all strength I had to survive. For years I had tried with everything I had to overcome the depression that was taking over my life. But I was getting no where, I was stuck and falling so quickly into the pits of hell. About two years before Kenny came along...the drinking became...(after many attempts of other ways to hide from my pain) my way of hiding all pain and fear I was feeling. I would drink until I could barely walk, my head would be so fuzzy I could not think at all. I would not eat before I drank, which would result in me throwing up...that is what I wanted. All the drinking and throwing up would put me to sleep. I would wake up the next day and it would start all over, hiding from the pain of what I should have been hiding. 

One late night I was in severe pain. I was throwing up blood and could not walk from how intense it was. (At this point I was no longer living at home, I was about 5 hours away from parents in a very small town on the other side of the state living with a friend). I called my mom, bawling, scared. She told me to call an ambulance. I was strapped to a bed and had blood drawn from me, until they saw me throw up blood and raced me quickly to the ER. I was put under Morphine and many x-rays until they found a giant kidney stone, much to large to pass, and the size of it was making me very sick. I was put under emergency surgery and realesed about 12 hours later to go home. Where I stayed, very sick, unable to eat for a full month and losing 10 pounds. After a number of drugs and hospital visits I finally got enough strength to return to work for a few  hours a day. 

That is when Kenny I had begun to talk. He was asking if I was okay and said he would come over and kill the hobos in my apartment (That is a whole nother story for those of you who have not heard my hobo spider story of them taking over our apartment). We became talking alot and hanging out alot. I had the strongest feelings for him..But I would not admit it to him, let alone myself, until Courtney admitted it for me. After awhile, he texted me, while at work and admitted to me that he had feelings for me, I told him i felt the same. A few days later I found us laying in bed, watching each other, when suddenly, we kissed..we knew at that moment, we were a couple. In November, a few days after Thanksgiving he proposed. At a romantic spot ( a rose garden) that was frozen over and covered in a beauitiful layer of snow. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stole from Jamie

8 favorites!

8 favorite tv shows

1. The OC

2. Gilmore Girls

3. Lost

4. Untold stories of the ER

5. Scrubs

6. Friends

7. Family guy

8. supernanny

8 favorite restaurants

1. Azteca

2.  Pete's Bar and Grill

3. Applebee's

4. Olive Garden

5. Tomato Brothers

6. Fazzari'z

7. Arby's

8. Taco Time

8 books I'd recommend

1. Twlight

2. Harry Potter (all of them)

3. Bible

5. A child called IT

6. Facing your giants

7. Two girls in blue

8. FLowers in the attic (whole series)

8 things that happened yesterday

1. got sick

2. took a nap

3. fed my cat

4. watched ELF

5. Talked to friends

6. read my book

7. wished for snow

8.  ate Christmas candy

8 things to look forward to

1. Thanksgiving

2.  Apple cup being over

3. Christmas

4. snow

5. finshing twlight so i can see how the first book ends

6. seeing twlight

7. The Dark KNight realse

8. sleeping in

8 things on my wish list

1. a white christmas

2. a baby

3. kenny to be happy

4. seeing kennys exctiment to see his gifts

5. making christmas cookies

6. making christmas dinner

7. hot chocolate

8. just me and kenny

8 things I love about fall

1. the leaves

2.the breeze

3. no snow

4. not to cold

5. not to warm

6. pullman has no fall

7. the smell

8.the colors

8 people I tag

1. everyone and their dogs (good answer Jamie)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

bored at update about some random...


Kenny and Ava

Ava's crawl

so precious

Ava wearing the hat I bought her in Florida and making her goofy face

what goood are the woods if you dont find a random car?

just a kiss

 Ava does not like hard wood or grass when she crawls... this is the result.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

our new cat Salem

We got a new cat! His name is Salem, and he is 5. Someone gave him to us for free because he did not get along with their other cat. :)

Mind the mess, we were cleaning and moving everything around since i wanted to christmas decorate early.

Friday, November 14, 2008

babysitting blues

I babysat the babies the other night. Here are the pictures! They are soooo cute. :)




Zahnyah and Braydon




Sunday, November 2, 2008


Trick or treating with 7 different kids? A challenge? It actually was not to bad.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today...started at just..bad. We got to work and the first out BEFORE the store is open was fine. But as soon as we open the POS (order taking moniter broke) in drive through broke...dang. So Mikey had to go up front and take orders and had all the cars drive to the second window to pay, which is at the other end of the store, than run to them, get the money, run back...etc. And we were busy just to make it hetic. But was that all that happened??? Of course not. A few moments later, all the POS's in the store broke..which computers to type down the orders...which only meant the order screens (that are in grill so you know what to make, or in drive so you know what to give to the car) broke too. So not only did the order takers had to yell the orders to grill so we knew what to make, they had to write down everyones orders on paper and caculate it with some stupid broken calculater. Than of course...only more to happen. The KVS broke, resulting in a really loud...hours long worth sound of "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

But it got better after work, when Kenny and I went with Michelle to buy her a halloween custome for work tomorrow and night time too. We ended up buying ourselfs one too. Michelle and I are going to be twin devils and Kenny is going to be pippy longstockings. hahaha. I cant wait! I will be sure to post pictures!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Livin' Life

Kenny is back from Boise! Yay! He came back yesterday and we relaxed for the most part. We went out to pizza together though for something easy for dinner.
Tonight was pretty fun though, we craved baby pumpkins together and cooked the pumpkin seeds! YUM YUM YUM.

I was going to make game hen for dinner but I got to distracted with the pumpkins and forgot :( Oh sad.

Sad news, my toads died :( I was soooo sad.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Fights suck. Kenny is in Boise, I am in Pullman, tomorrow is our annivesary and of course we get in a huge fight and now he is ignoring me.
I have been crying for hours straight and now I feel like screaming. I'm trying to patiently wait for michelle to get some sanity back even though its 8 at night and i have to wake up at 3:30 in the morning.
could things get any better?? I mean really.

They could..Kenny gets home monday, hopefully we find out next week if we are having a baby or not.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

oh boy

So..I am at home BORED. Kenny went to boise until Monday (thats FIVE days without him). To see his brother graduate from Eagle scouts. Sigh. I already miss him and he has only been gone for about 2 hours. Well since I am bored I shall write about my day.

We all arrive at work this morning to think that our boss will be in NM until Monday, only to find out she was not going. Which only made everyone panic. Its nice every once in awhile to not have the "big guy there". This morning, was constant but not TOO busy, however almost at 12 on the dot we got SLAMMED, ZZTop was playing tonight, so I assume the tickets went on sale or something. The line went OUT the door. I run up front to help Brendon catch up and at one on the dot, I dash out the door with Michelle to go with her to the Docs to ger her IUD removed, which had somehow made its way to her uterus and it was contracting. After countless doctors, she FINALLY got her IUD out.

The day only got better when her apartments callled and said that her apartment flooded (she lives on the 3rd floor) and it had been leaking to the floor below. So michelle and her downstairs neighbor had to leave for a hotel for the night...more like weekend...after the entire apartment was cleaned out so they could clean the apartment from the water. This all happened becuase Michellle has a broken washer, but Hector used it anyway and fell asleep. So thats how it all began.

We went to pick up the kids from daycare and i went to the hotel to babysit them while Michelle and Hector tried to clean up a bit. They got back, we got pizza and now here I am. Missing Kenny, tired..sad...and Bored

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

hello, from small town USA

Kenny bought me an Ipod touch. Its pretty sweet. It has 32gb on it. Thats 7,000 songs and 40 hours of videos, really I don't even know if I know 7,000 songs. Haha. Buts its pretty cool. The games are like the nintendo wii. We have to move the whole ipod device to get it play the game. Like my driving game, you use the ipod as a steering well, and for bowling you flick it in your wrist. (He bought it for our 1 year anniversary and I bought him an xbox 360. He will be gone the weekend of our anniversary so we celebrated early).

I also bought myself a couple fire-bellied toads a few weeks ago. They are so cute. They are a forrest green color with BRIGHT orange tummies. They are toxic, not toxic enough to kill a human (as far as I know haha) but you should always wash your hands after touching them. There have been reports of people's eyes swelling up and such. So thats never fun. I don't know about your big cities, but the flu as been going around here in Pullman, seeing as how its a small town, it really spreads fast to everyone. Kenny was sick last monday and I caught it and got sick on Wednesday, Nasty bug. My friend Michelle's kids, Sincere (3) and Nieci (9 months) also got it.

Update on my mom. She is doing better, however she is still out of work at home on bedrest, kind of funny when I thought about it because at the same time last year I was in bed rest for 4 weeks and my mom will be for about then too. Woot.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

bored...random post

My mom finally had her surgery last week. They removed her flopian tubes, uterus and ovaries. There was no cancer, but there were alot more fibro cysts than they thought there were. A few were the size of baseballs, and some had burst. My dad called me after the surgery, it had gone great. She is now at home, out of work for a few weeks, she is doing better but still in a deal of pain. She has medication to keep the pain under control. Hopefully, she has a speedy recovery.

Two days ago, the 2nd, was 7 years since Nathan died. I know its not a very happy topic, but he was a good friend and I will never forget him. I just wanted to say, we miss you Nate and we love you.

So on another topic....the 26 is mine and Kennys one year annivesary! I can't wait until the wedding, to carry his last name. I can't think of anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. He is beyond what I could of ever imagined my future husband to be. Everyone thinks we make a perfect couple, and everyone says we will be great parents, which is another thing we can't wait to do together.

Apparently, I dont' have to much to talk about because I am just rambbling about nothing. I'm bored though, waiting for kennny to get home and for 6 to go to Michelle's house. We go to Michelle's house on Saturday nights to watch movies and hang out. She has the two cutest kids in the world (she is 21). She has a 3 year old boy, named Sincere, and a 8 month girl named necie.

Monday, September 15, 2008

oh life

So life has been kind of crazy lately.

Tamara's mom, Cheryl, FINALLY got a session of chemo. For those of you who don't know she was diagonsed with Cancer a few months make a long story short her cancer kept getting worse, they told her she had to be on the strongest chemo they could give her. But her count kept getting lower so every monday when she went in she didn't get it because if your count is too low it will make you very sick.

My mom kept getting sick...she went to the doctor and they found something that may be cancer in her stomach. so she had to go back a week later to get a ct scan of it. They said it was not cancer, but she had a cyst the size of a baseball on her uterus. GREAT. But of course, things just had to get better. My mom is in so much pain and the doctors say she needs surgery. But about a week later she gets a phone call, suddenly the CT scan was not clear enough so she had to go in to get an ultra sound...same results but they found numerous cysts in her the size of a baseball. she was told to come in a few days to get surgery. She went in..and they cancelled it because her doctor had deliever a baby.. so that is where that part is at.

For Kenny's birthday...September 7, I took him to Seattle....a nice 10 hour bus ride there. My mom and Dale treated him to the mariners vs yankee's game...his first real major league game an also the cheesecake factory for dinner. It was pretty fun. We also went to Redondo, with Elyse, Erika, Jeremy, David, and Jeff Meyer and some friend. The plankton were out which is always awesome and Kenny had never seen that since he didn't grow up on the coast. He was amazed by it. Well that is all.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

forgot password

Hey peeps. So I am sorry I have not updated this. But I sort of forgot my password and all that for this. Apparently though if you sign into G-mail it will automaticly sign in for you.

So update...hmm.... Well we just got back from Florida. It was an AWESOME trip. Much to humid but it was beautiful. If you go to this webpage

there a few pictures of my trip and even more on myspace

but you have to be my friend on myspace to see them because my page is on private.

But here is all about my trip, just to bore you guys.

So on the Seventeen of last month (july) we hopped on a bus to head to Boise, Idaho. Got there at around 5pm and had dinner, hung out and went to bed. The next day we hung out with some of Kennys friends and just relaxed. The Next morning (saturday) we woke up at about 5am and caught and early flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Got to Georgia with a little over an hour layover and caught another plane to Tampa, Florida.

Finally got to Florida, headed to Clearwater (where his grandparents live). We hung out in the backyard, (there is a lake back there) and took picture, had dinner, chit chat and went to bed.

I am way to lazy to write about the WHOLE trip so I will tell you about the highlights. The first cool thing we did was we went to Clearwater Beach. It was sooooooooooooo pretty. The sand was soo white and sooo soft. The water was so very warm and soooo pretty. It was alot of fun to just stand in the current because the waves would lift you off the ground. HAHAHA. And there was shells everywhere. Not like shells you would find on the west coast but like WHOLE shells, PRETTY shells that on the west coast you can only buy in a store.

We also went to Tarpon, Springs which was really cool. It is where the sponges divers dived. You walk along the water edge and there are boats everywhere with REAL sponges. It sort of remind me of pike place with all the markets and stuff. One of the shops has museum in it about the sponge was...weird...but really interesting and sad to hear what all these people went through. Alot of them lost there lifes. :(

Than we went to Honeymoon beach, and talk about shells!! There were so many you could not walk on hurt my feet sooo bad. And the shells were amazing!!! We bought a bunch of them home. We did not swim there however because there are sting rays and stuff. The kids swam but not us. At Honeymoon Kenny hurt the bottom of his foot pretty bad. He was looking for shells and slipped and slammed his foot on a rock. We were worried he would need stitches but he turned out to be okay. Its still not all the way healed and we have been since the 27th of september haha.

oh man oh man.

well there is an update for now.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hey Everyone

So Cat said Kenny and I should get one of these, so here I am making one for us! YAY! So the story of me and Kenny.... Which many of you may not agree with but I don't really care. The way it was before Kenny and I, would not have worked out anyway.

Kenny moved here to Pullman from Boise, Idaho, to be with his girlfriend of the time because she was attending WSU. He found a place here, got a settled (eventually) and found a job at McDonalds. I was already working there because I had arrived here a bit before him.

I moved to Pullman from Federal Way, Wa. I had a "due date" (more of being "kicked out") to get out of my parents house. I was having no luck finding a place over there because its expensive if you don't have a room mate to help out. I talked to Courtney, and she said that there other roommate, Amanda, was moving out, and I could take her place until the new Apartment the following May. So two weeks after the convo, she drove back to Federal Way, we loaded as much as we could into her car, and drove the 5 hour drive back to Pullman. (My Parents came 2 weeks later with the jeep and trailer with the rest of my stuff).

I remember when Kenny was first hired there, I noticed him right away. After some time learned he had a girlfriend so I kept my distance. We talked at work a few times and he seemed to be a pretty nice guy.

Fastforward a few months....

I woke up one more to find a HUGE spider in my room. I mean really big, bigger than most I have seen. I walked closer to it and noticed it had HUGE fangs on its front side. FREAKED ME OUT. It was also 4 am and I was getting ready for work, being that early, it just freaked me out more. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom to change finding 2 more in the bathroom, Just as big if not bigger. Scared out of my mind I got ready as fast as I could. Than ran to work. First thing I do is tell Susie and Joe about my nightmare at home. Susie gives me this look and Joe is like "why didn't you kill those?" I'm thinking..nasty, they were HUGE. They asked me to explain what they looked like so I did. Susie and Joe told me they were Poisonous. So I call my room mate to warn her but she wouldn't answer the phone. After work, Gina took me to get some traps. I give some to courtney and we put one in every room of the house. Called Marc to come downstairs and help us kill them. Within like a 10 minute period we found 18 of them. We read the paper the guy at the shop gave me and they are one of the deadliest in the East side of Washington. CREEPY. Soo..

A few days later Kenny calls me and says he will come kill the two I had hidden under a plate. And that is where it all started. He eventually admitted to liking me and I admitted back. He had a girlfriend and I was doing...we stuff I should never have been doing to beging with. That following Friday he broke up with his girlfriend of the time, I know its sad, he felt REALLY bad trust me, and got together with me.

He was really sweet. I was still really week from my surgery and he took good care of me. So time goes on...vacation 1 to Boise and Clarkston... from Thanksgiving. Than he proposed.

So its a long entry already but you have a lot to catch up on. One day, while feeling under the weather, he went to the store and bought the ring. The next day we woke up at around 9 and he said he wanted to walk to Shopko to buy this game that he has been waiting for. (he is a gammer so I believed). He also wanted to walk down the bike place for a change of way. It all seemed good. But it was freezing out, icy and snowy. ANYWAY. after about 20 minutes of going up hill I was getting tired. (in my defense, its hard to walk up hills with 6 inches of ice and snow covering it). We get to this watertower that had charlie brown painted on it. VERY CUTE. but than he goes down this grass hill, And i'm thinking..what?? but it turns into a path so I ignore it. BUt than, oh ya, than we come to a garden. A rose garden that you had to walk down some stairs to get to. It had a pool in the middle and a gazebo at the end. I knew what was coming right than and I shook from being so nervous. He kissed me and walked me over to the gazebo. He held me and told me he loved me and got down on his knee and said "will you be mine forever?" I said "Yes" and there is the beginging.

well that is all for now, I will post pictures and stuff later. Love ya all