I was reading a fellow bloggers blog about her husband and it made me want to write about my soon to be husband. Although I am sure I have told this story numerous times, I feel like telling it once more.
My life, Before Kenny, was hectic. I was confused.lost..and hurt. By the time Kenny came along, it was years after my depression had begun and I was quickly losing all strength I had to survive. For years I had tried with everything I had to overcome the depression that was taking over my life. But I was getting no where, I was stuck and falling so quickly into the pits of hell. About two years before Kenny came along...the drinking became...(after many attempts of other ways to hide from my pain) my way of hiding all pain and fear I was feeling. I would drink until I could barely walk, my head would be so fuzzy I could not think at all. I would not eat before I drank, which would result in me throwing up...that is what I wanted. All the drinking and throwing up would put me to sleep. I would wake up the next day and it would start all over, hiding from the pain of what I should have been hiding.
One late night I was in severe pain. I was throwing up blood and could not walk from how intense it was. (At this point I was no longer living at home, I was about 5 hours away from parents in a very small town on the other side of the state living with a friend). I called my mom, bawling, scared. She told me to call an ambulance. I was strapped to a bed and had blood drawn from me, until they saw me throw up blood and raced me quickly to the ER. I was put under Morphine and many x-rays until they found a giant kidney stone, much to large to pass, and the size of it was making me very sick. I was put under emergency surgery and realesed about 12 hours later to go home. Where I stayed, very sick, unable to eat for a full month and losing 10 pounds. After a number of drugs and hospital visits I finally got enough strength to return to work for a few hours a day.
That is when Kenny I had begun to talk. He was asking if I was okay and said he would come over and kill the hobos in my apartment (That is a whole nother story for those of you who have not heard my hobo spider story of them taking over our apartment). We became talking alot and hanging out alot. I had the strongest feelings for him..But I would not admit it to him, let alone myself, until Courtney admitted it for me. After awhile, he texted me, while at work and admitted to me that he had feelings for me, I told him i felt the same. A few days later I found us laying in bed, watching each other, when suddenly, we kissed..we knew at that moment, we were a couple. In November, a few days after Thanksgiving he proposed. At a romantic spot ( a rose garden) that was frozen over and covered in a beauitiful layer of snow.
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