Kenny bought me an Ipod touch. Its pretty sweet. It has 32gb on it. Thats 7,000 songs and 40 hours of videos, really I don't even know if I know 7,000 songs. Haha. Buts its pretty cool. The games are like the nintendo wii. We have to move the whole ipod device to get it play the game. Like my driving game, you use the ipod as a steering well, and for bowling you flick it in your wrist. (He bought it for our 1 year anniversary and I bought him an xbox 360. He will be gone the weekend of our anniversary so we celebrated early).
I also bought myself a couple fire-bellied toads a few weeks ago. They are so cute. They are a forrest green color with BRIGHT orange tummies. They are toxic, not toxic enough to kill a human (as far as I know haha) but you should always wash your hands after touching them. There have been reports of people's eyes swelling up and such. So thats never fun. I don't know about your big cities, but the flu as been going around here in Pullman, seeing as how its a small town, it really spreads fast to everyone. Kenny was sick last monday and I caught it and got sick on Wednesday, Nasty bug. My friend Michelle's kids, Sincere (3) and Nieci (9 months) also got it.
Update on my mom. She is doing better, however she is still out of work at home on bedrest, kind of funny when I thought about it because at the same time last year I was in bed rest for 4 weeks and my mom will be for about then too. Woot.
This is what I do for fun
15 years ago
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