Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stole from Jamie

8 favorites!

8 favorite tv shows

1. The OC

2. Gilmore Girls

3. Lost

4. Untold stories of the ER

5. Scrubs

6. Friends

7. Family guy

8. supernanny

8 favorite restaurants

1. Azteca

2.  Pete's Bar and Grill

3. Applebee's

4. Olive Garden

5. Tomato Brothers

6. Fazzari'z

7. Arby's

8. Taco Time

8 books I'd recommend

1. Twlight

2. Harry Potter (all of them)

3. Bible

5. A child called IT

6. Facing your giants

7. Two girls in blue

8. FLowers in the attic (whole series)

8 things that happened yesterday

1. got sick

2. took a nap

3. fed my cat

4. watched ELF

5. Talked to friends

6. read my book

7. wished for snow

8.  ate Christmas candy

8 things to look forward to

1. Thanksgiving

2.  Apple cup being over

3. Christmas

4. snow

5. finshing twlight so i can see how the first book ends

6. seeing twlight

7. The Dark KNight realse

8. sleeping in

8 things on my wish list

1. a white christmas

2. a baby

3. kenny to be happy

4. seeing kennys exctiment to see his gifts

5. making christmas cookies

6. making christmas dinner

7. hot chocolate

8. just me and kenny

8 things I love about fall

1. the leaves

2.the breeze

3. no snow

4. not to cold

5. not to warm

6. pullman has no fall

7. the smell

8.the colors

8 people I tag

1. everyone and their dogs (good answer Jamie)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

bored at update about some random...


Kenny and Ava

Ava's crawl

so precious

Ava wearing the hat I bought her in Florida and making her goofy face

what goood are the woods if you dont find a random car?

just a kiss

 Ava does not like hard wood or grass when she crawls... this is the result.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

our new cat Salem

We got a new cat! His name is Salem, and he is 5. Someone gave him to us for free because he did not get along with their other cat. :)

Mind the mess, we were cleaning and moving everything around since i wanted to christmas decorate early.

Friday, November 14, 2008

babysitting blues

I babysat the babies the other night. Here are the pictures! They are soooo cute. :)




Zahnyah and Braydon




Sunday, November 2, 2008


Trick or treating with 7 different kids? A challenge? It actually was not to bad.