Sorry, I'm not good at actually updating this thing. But here are our first family pictures! Ben is almost 5 months in them

Ben will be 6 months old on the 12th of March. I can hardly believe it! He is growing so fast! He slips out a mama and dada now and than, not realizing what he is saying I'm guessing. He can scoot and almost sit...he just needs to work on his tummy muscles so he doesn't bend in half. haha. He is on solid foods and LOVING it. We also lowered his crib so we didn't find out to late that he could flip out of it, lol. His bath times before bed are now his favorite activity. His little legs go now stop, even in his sleep. I'm pretty convinced he is going to be a runner or a soccer player...really anything that involves running. He is laughing about almost everything! And the really fun part....possible teething...he has the fussy, not sleeping or eating normally, rosy cheeks and drolling thing going on. oh boy!