8 favorites!
8 favorite tv shows
1. The OC
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Lost
4. Untold stories of the ER
5. Scrubs
6. Friends
7. Family guy
8. supernanny
8 favorite restaurants
1. Azteca
2. Pete's Bar and Grill
3. Applebee's
4. Olive Garden
5. Tomato Brothers
6. Fazzari'z
7. Arby's
8. Taco Time
8 books I'd recommend
1. Twlight
2. Harry Potter (all of them)
3. Bible
5. A child called IT
6. Facing your giants
7. Two girls in blue
8. FLowers in the attic (whole series)
8 things that happened yesterday
1. got sick
2. took a nap
3. fed my cat
4. watched ELF
5. Talked to friends
6. read my book
7. wished for snow
8. ate Christmas candy
8 things to look forward to
1. Thanksgiving
2. Apple cup being over
3. Christmas
4. snow
5. finshing twlight so i can see how the first book ends
6. seeing twlight
7. The Dark KNight realse
8. sleeping in
8 things on my wish list
1. a white christmas
2. a baby
3. kenny to be happy
4. seeing kennys exctiment to see his gifts
5. making christmas cookies
6. making christmas dinner
7. hot chocolate
8. just me and kenny
8 things I love about fall
1. the leaves
2.the breeze
3. no snow
4. not to cold
5. not to warm
6. pullman has no fall
7. the smell
8.the colors
8 people I tag
1. everyone and their dogs (good answer Jamie)
1. The OC
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Lost
4. Untold stories of the ER
5. Scrubs
6. Friends
7. Family guy
8. supernanny
8 favorite restaurants
1. Azteca
2. Pete's Bar and Grill
3. Applebee's
4. Olive Garden
5. Tomato Brothers
6. Fazzari'z
7. Arby's
8. Taco Time
8 books I'd recommend
1. Twlight
2. Harry Potter (all of them)
3. Bible
5. A child called IT
6. Facing your giants
7. Two girls in blue
8. FLowers in the attic (whole series)
8 things that happened yesterday
1. got sick
2. took a nap
3. fed my cat
4. watched ELF
5. Talked to friends
6. read my book
7. wished for snow
8. ate Christmas candy
8 things to look forward to
1. Thanksgiving
2. Apple cup being over
3. Christmas
4. snow
5. finshing twlight so i can see how the first book ends
6. seeing twlight
7. The Dark KNight realse
8. sleeping in
8 things on my wish list
1. a white christmas
2. a baby
3. kenny to be happy
4. seeing kennys exctiment to see his gifts
5. making christmas cookies
6. making christmas dinner
7. hot chocolate
8. just me and kenny
8 things I love about fall
1. the leaves
2.the breeze
3. no snow
4. not to cold
5. not to warm
6. pullman has no fall
7. the smell
8.the colors
8 people I tag
1. everyone and their dogs (good answer Jamie)