So Cat said Kenny and I should get one of these, so here I am making one for us! YAY! So the story of me and Kenny.... Which many of you may not agree with but I don't really care. The way it was before Kenny and I, would not have worked out anyway.
Kenny moved here to Pullman from Boise, Idaho, to be with his girlfriend of the time because she was attending WSU. He found a place here, got a settled (eventually) and found a job at McDonalds. I was already working there because I had arrived here a bit before him.
I moved to Pullman from Federal Way, Wa. I had a "due date" (more of being "kicked out") to get out of my parents house. I was having no luck finding a place over there because its expensive if you don't have a room mate to help out. I talked to Courtney, and she said that there other roommate, Amanda, was moving out, and I could take her place until the new Apartment the following May. So two weeks after the convo, she drove back to Federal Way, we loaded as much as we could into her car, and drove the 5 hour drive back to Pullman. (My Parents came 2 weeks later with the jeep and trailer with the rest of my stuff).
I remember when Kenny was first hired there, I noticed him right away. After some time learned he had a girlfriend so I kept my distance. We talked at work a few times and he seemed to be a pretty nice guy.
Fastforward a few months....
I woke up one more to find a HUGE spider in my room. I mean really big, bigger than most I have seen. I walked closer to it and noticed it had HUGE fangs on its front side. FREAKED ME OUT. It was also 4 am and I was getting ready for work, being that early, it just freaked me out more. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom to change finding 2 more in the bathroom, Just as big if not bigger. Scared out of my mind I got ready as fast as I could. Than ran to work. First thing I do is tell Susie and Joe about my nightmare at home. Susie gives me this look and Joe is like "why didn't you kill those?" I'm thinking..nasty, they were HUGE. They asked me to explain what they looked like so I did. Susie and Joe told me they were Poisonous. So I call my room mate to warn her but she wouldn't answer the phone. After work, Gina took me to get some traps. I give some to courtney and we put one in every room of the house. Called Marc to come downstairs and help us kill them. Within like a 10 minute period we found 18 of them. We read the paper the guy at the shop gave me and they are one of the deadliest in the East side of Washington. CREEPY. Soo..
A few days later Kenny calls me and says he will come kill the two I had hidden under a plate. And that is where it all started. He eventually admitted to liking me and I admitted back. He had a girlfriend and I was doing...we stuff I should never have been doing to beging with. That following Friday he broke up with his girlfriend of the time, I know its sad, he felt REALLY bad trust me, and got together with me.
He was really sweet. I was still really week from my surgery and he took good care of me. So time goes on...vacation 1 to Boise and Clarkston... from Thanksgiving. Than he proposed.
So its a long entry already but you have a lot to catch up on. One day, while feeling under the weather, he went to the store and bought the ring. The next day we woke up at around 9 and he said he wanted to walk to Shopko to buy this game that he has been waiting for. (he is a gammer so I believed). He also wanted to walk down the bike place for a change of way. It all seemed good. But it was freezing out, icy and snowy. ANYWAY. after about 20 minutes of going up hill I was getting tired. (in my defense, its hard to walk up hills with 6 inches of ice and snow covering it). We get to this watertower that had charlie brown painted on it. VERY CUTE. but than he goes down this grass hill, And i'm thinking..what?? but it turns into a path so I ignore it. BUt than, oh ya, than we come to a garden. A rose garden that you had to walk down some stairs to get to. It had a pool in the middle and a gazebo at the end. I knew what was coming right than and I shook from being so nervous. He kissed me and walked me over to the gazebo. He held me and told me he loved me and got down on his knee and said "will you be mine forever?" I said "Yes" and there is the beginging.
well that is all for now, I will post pictures and stuff later. Love ya all
This is what I do for fun
15 years ago